Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Call for 11th edition - due June 30th

If all goes well the 11th edition of the Canadian Home Educators Blog Carnival will be posted Tuesday, July 1, with the deadline for submissions being Monday, June 30.

As the edition will be posted on Canada Day, why not use that as inspiration for your post? Have special plans for Canada Day? Tell us about them. Have a Canadian resource you love? Tell us about it. Share about your studies about Canadian history, geography, literature, music, etc. Share your thoughts about the country we live in.

As always this topic is merely a suggestion, not a requirement. Feel free to submit any post on any topic you want. It doesn't have to be a new post either. Please be sure to read the submission guidelines in the side bar.

Please help spread the word about the call. Promote the carnival on your blog. Talk about it on internet boards and email lists you are on. Tell your friends about it.

Hope to hear from all of you soon. :0)