Tuesday, September 23, 2008

23rd Edition

Welcome to the 23rd edition of the Canadian Home Educators Blog Carnival! Grab your notebook and camera and lets get on our way.

We're going to start this trip in the beautiful province of British Columbia where our first stop will be to visit with Miranda as she talks about using Google Calendar to organize her schedule in "The colour of our week."

Next we'll pop in for a visit with Rosina, also in British Columbia, as, on her homeschool blog, she tells us about their recent Fun Mixing Primary Colors. Then on her nature blog she shares about an online resource she found for Green Books for Green Living.

Before we leave British Columbia we'll drop in on Cheryl as she talks about Back to School Madness and shares how she's learning to find balance between homeschooling and time for herself.

Crossing the border into the province of Alberta we'll pop in for a visit with Pam as she shares her report of Days 9 and 10 of the school year and talks about the benefits of participating in Mug Up.

After that we'll cross over into the province of Saskatchewan and drop in on Julia as, inspired by National Awareness Week for Invisible Illness, she shares her thoughts on Invisible Illnesses.

Crossing the border into the province of Manitoba we'll stop in for a visit with Audrey as she tells us she's been recording Observations and correlations to try to determine what the factors are in her son's attitudes and behaviours.

Entering the province of Ontario, our first stop will be to visit with Alex as she shows us A little bit of art they created inspired by the Jim Arnosky books they've been reading.

Next, also in Ontario, we'll pop in on Debbie as she says "And here it is" while she shows us the materials she recently received for her daughter's ILC courses.

Before we leave Ontario we'll stop in to visit with Heather as she tells us the Group of Four paints again, with watercolours this time, as an artist friend inspires them.

After that we'll cross the border into Quebec and stop in to visit Tonia as she shares A Typical "School" day for a Homeschooled Preschooler.

Crossing the border into New Brunswick we'll we'll stop in on Lorraine as she shares about some interesting Canadian magazines, and others, that make great learning resources in "Yes! Know! our Fall '08 Magazine Roundup".

Unfortunately we don't have any visits in Prince Edward Island this time around. We really hate skipping this beautiful province. If you are a homeschooling blogging family on the island we would really love to be able to visit with you next time.

Arriving in the province of Nova Scotia we'll drop in on Dawn as she says "How Sweet, I Think." as she shows us a drawing of her that her daughter recently made as part of her art work for french.

Our last stop in our country is with me in the province Newfoundland and Labrador while I ask Wanna trade Candidate cards with us?.

Next we'll take a plane trip to Guam where we'll visit with Colleen as she shares some Guam folklore in her post My Little Mermaid.

And that brings us to the end of this week's trip across Canada, and our world, as we visited with homeschooling Canadians along the way. Thank you for joining us. Please remember to leave a comment to let the hosts know you visited. If we haven't visited you yet, we would love to do so soon.

I'm still trying to find more Canadians homeschooling abroad to include in our trip so please spread the word. Also, I'm still trying to find some Canadian homeschooled students and graduates to include in our visits. If you know of any please tell them they are invited to join the carnival.

If all goes well the next edition of the Canadian Home Educators Blog Carnival will be posted next Tuesday, September 30th. Please send in your submissions as soon as possible before then.